In Arizona during the month of August, late-summer heat and the distractions of back-to-school season combine to create a tragic statistic: more child drownings than during any other month. As a result, August has been designated as Drowning Impact Awareness Month, which began with Phoenix Children’s Hospital in 2004 and has grown into the largest…
For businesses in any industry, improvements to the commercial property must be carefully considered in terms of their cost, benefits, and expected return on investment (ROI). However, businesses that have pools on their properties—such as hotels and apartment or condominium complexes—must balance cost considerations with the need to ensure pool safety and create a beautiful…
For many homeowners in Arizona, the pool area is more than just a place to cool off on a hot day. It serves as an extension of the home—a destination for socializing, relaxing, dining, and simply enjoying the beauty of the desert. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the space surrounding your pool is…
As springtime blossoms and the weather quickly warms up, many residents across the Phoenix area are looking forward to lazy days spent by the pool. However, ensuring a safe and enjoyable swimming season requires anything but laziness—there are several steps that residential and commercial pool owners alike must take in order to prepare their pools…
With nearly year-round sunshine and warm temperatures, Arizona is a haven for swimmers and sunbathers, and many homes, hotels, and apartment complexes within the state have swimming pools on their properties. Unfortunately, this prevalence of pools correlates with a higher-than-average rate of accidental drownings: statistics indicate that children in Arizona drown at almost twice the…
Phoenix is a rapidly growing city, with new housing communities constantly popping up throughout the greater metropolitan area. Upon moving into their beautiful, newly built homes, however, many homeowners find that the developers have not installed one crucial asset: barriers to enclose the pool area. Proper pool fences and gates are essential safeguards for keeping…
For many commercial properties—particularly hotels and apartment or condominium complexes—the property’s aesthetic appeal can have a direct impact on revenue. While factors like safety and security also take top priority, commercial property owners must ensure that all features and new additions enhance the property’s style. For commercial properties with pools, wrought iron pool fencing and…
Pool fences and gates fulfill an important function: they secure the pool area, reducing the risk that children or pets will enter without supervision and encounter the threat of drowning. In addition, pool fences and gates—particularly those made of stylish wrought iron—can enhance the curb appeal of your backyard or commercial pool. However, these barriers…