‘Tis the Season – Pool Season

The temperature is slowly creeping up higher and higher as we get closer to the end of the month, and as Arizona residents we all know what that means.  Pool season is just around the corner! It’s fun and time in the sun, but it also means that it’s time to think about pool safety. …

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Apartments and HOA Pool Fencing Replacement

Pools shared by a community can be wonderful, but for the complex owners and Home Owners Associations who are responsible for keeping them a safe space, there are many more considerations beyond making sure “no diving” and “no glass container” signs are posted.  At the top of this priority list should be meeting pool safety…

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Decorate for the Holidays but Safety First and Foremost!

The holiday season means parties and guests and more traffic around your house and backyard.  One of the beautiful things about living in Arizona is the extended use of outdoor space, so even in December afternoons and evenings can very easily be spent in your backyard with family members and friends who are visiting for…

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Your Pool and Pet Protection

Google At DCS Pool Barriers, we spend a lot of time emphasizing the importance of keeping children safe around the pool by meeting Arizona law and installing a high quality pool fence in your home.  However, it’s not just children who need to be protected when it comes to your backyard pool.  Homeowners with pets…

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The Best Offence is a Good Fence

Google Pool fencing is not just a good idea – law in the state of Arizona requires it in many cases.  However, this doesn’t mean just any fence will do; Arizona law has requirements for that too.  From the height to the width between the fence’s bars, all of these must meet the standards set…

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