DCS Blogs & News

Wrought Iron Gates: A Critical Component of a Safe and Stylish Pool Area

March 10, 2016 | Comments Off on Wrought Iron Gates: A Critical Component of a Safe and Stylish Pool Area

The weather is getting warmer, the days are getting longer, and the fresh aroma of spring is in the air — pool season is almost here! Arizonans are fortunate to enjoy their pools earlier in the year than residents of most other states, but with the fun of an extended swimming season comes an increased…

Tips for Creating a Beautiful (and Safe) Pool Area!

February 18, 2016 | Comments Off on Tips for Creating a Beautiful (and Safe) Pool Area!

For homeowners who are fortunate enough to have pools, the pool area is the centerpiece of the backyard retreat.  Many factors contribute to the beauty of the pool area, from the pool itself to the fence surrounding it. Here are a few tips for building a stunning yet safe pool area for your at-home oasis:…

Four Reasons to Choose a Wrought Iron Fence for Your Pool Area

January 28, 2016 | Comments Off on Four Reasons to Choose a Wrought Iron Fence for Your Pool Area

When designing a pool area, property owners are confronted with many questions and concerns.  What is the best way to ensure that children, pets, and others to whom the pool poses a threat do not enter? What is the optimum design for a pool area that provides a relaxing oasis while contributing to the beauty…

DCS Pool Barriers Give the Sheraton Desert Oasis a Lift!

January 14, 2016 | Comments Off on DCS Pool Barriers Give the Sheraton Desert Oasis a Lift!

At the Sheraton Desert Oasis Villas in Scottsdale the pool fencing was showing signs of aging, which then becomes a safety issue. The good people at the Desert Oasis gave DCS Pool Barriers a call to provide new fences and gates for all their pools. We were excited to be a part of this project.…

Remember Pool Safety This Holiday Season

December 17, 2015 | Comments Off on Remember Pool Safety This Holiday Season

Whether you have a heated pool that you can enjoy year-round or you save swimming for the warmer months, Arizona’s pleasant temperatures invite outdoor living even during the winter.  During the holidays, the backyard provides a beautiful forum in which to gather with friends and family.  However, the rush of holiday get-togethers may make pool…

DCS Pool Barriers – Customer Review

November 2, 2015 | Comments Off on DCS Pool Barriers – Customer Review

Here is a nice review from a customer. This job was to a remove a mesh fence. The customer has grand-kids that come to visit and didn’t want the fence up all the time. They will put the fence up when the grand-kids visit, and then take it down when they leave. When you remove the…

Is Your Pool a Safety Threat? Proper Gates Prevent Accidents

October 15, 2015 | Comments Off on Is Your Pool a Safety Threat? Proper Gates Prevent Accidents

Swimming pools provide a fun source of relaxation and a refreshing oasis from the heat in warmer months.  Unfortunately, they also present a risk of accidental drowning, particularly for small children.  Each year, nearly 300 children under the age of five drown in residential pools, with over 4,000 children in the same age group suffering…

Finish Out the Season with a Clang!

September 17, 2015 | Comments Off on Finish Out the Season with a Clang!

September is here once again, which means that pool season is slowly coming to a close.  Kids are back in school, and extracurricular activities are picking up.  With the busier schedules, we also know it won’t be long until the weather will start cooling off soon as fall approaches.  This means that less time will…

Community Pool Fencing ~ Repair or Replace

August 24, 2015 | Comments Off on Community Pool Fencing ~ Repair or Replace

With the busiest part of swimming season at community pools coming to a close, it’s important to take stock of the equipment and catch up on maintenance.  Community pools are often exposed to more elements and environmental impacts than backyard pools, which can lead to problems like wear and rust that likely leave the pool barrier…

Does Your Fence Need a Fix?

August 6, 2015 | Comments Off on Does Your Fence Need a Fix?

Pool fencing is more than just a good safety idea in Arizona – it’s the law.  During the summer, when backyard or community pools are used on a daily basis, it’s important that you make sure your pool fences and gates are in working order. Having a pool fence or gate that’s in disrepair can…