DCS Blogs & News

Winter is a great time to consider pool and spa safety

October 31, 2011 | Comments Off on Winter is a great time to consider pool and spa safety

Winter is a great time to consider pool and spa safety.   Although spring and summer are typically when pool owners are reminded of pool safety’s importance, it is vital to remember that even if you’re not actively using your pool or spa, it still poses a danger to youngsters. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission…

Winter Pool Safety in Arizona

October 17, 2011 | Comments Off on Winter Pool Safety in Arizona

When summer rolls around pool safety is on everyone’s mind.  But at this time of year, when kids are back in school and temperatures cool down, most parents and homeowners aren’t thinking much about the pool.  It’s important to remember that even though you’re not actively using the pool, it still poses a danger to…

DCS Pool Barriers Saves Client's Money with On-Premise Metal Shop

September 26, 2011 | Comments Off on DCS Pool Barriers Saves Client's Money with On-Premise Metal Shop

The DCS Pool Barriers manufacturing process is a step by step quality control process, ensuring every piece we make is of the highest quality.  We have our own metal shop, so we can do pretty much anything the homeowner needs where pool barriers, pool fences and pool gates are concerned.  Because DCS manufactures their own product…

Security and Style Can Go Hand in Hand with Your Pool Fencing and Gates

September 19, 2011 | Comments Off on Security and Style Can Go Hand in Hand with Your Pool Fencing and Gates

Everyone wants to create a safe home environment, and making improvements to your home’s security might not initially bring beauty and design aesthetics to mind. As you consider securely fencing your pool, adding security doors to your home, or one of the many pool barriers we offer, you may be thinking you have to make…

Keeping the Dog OUT of the Pool with an Iron Fence made by DCS Pool Barriers

August 24, 2011 | Comments Off on Keeping the Dog OUT of the Pool with an Iron Fence made by DCS Pool Barriers

This pool owner was constantly struggling to keep their dog out of the pool. They installed a mesh fence and their dog kept chewing through the fencing, so they installed this gorgeous wrought iron fence at their Phoenix home. The customer was thrilled with the look and feel and now has peace of mind that…

Pool Door Alarms ~ Added Pool Safety

August 8, 2011 | Comments Off on Pool Door Alarms ~ Added Pool Safety

In addition to these pool safety products; pool fencing, pool safety nets, and the Sliding Glass Door Closer, DCS Pool Barriers also provides door alarm systems. Our pool door alarms add even more safety to your pool’s perimeter. Pool alarms go off when the door is opened and alerts those inside or out that someone…

Gate Springs Work in Tandem with Your Pool Gate as an added Pool Barrier

July 27, 2011 | Comments Off on Gate Springs Work in Tandem with Your Pool Gate as an added Pool Barrier

DCS Pool Barriers is one of the leading providers in the Phoenix metro area for pool fencing, safety nets, and gates. However, we also provide a few more products that are not as well known to our customers. One safety barrier is the gate spring. Gate springs work in tandem with your pool fencing and…

Drowning Awareness Spreads in Arizona

July 27, 2011 | Comments Off on Drowning Awareness Spreads in Arizona

Drowning awareness spreads in Arizona Families that lost loved ones to drowning joined leaders from across the state Tuesday to spread the word about drowning prevention in Arizona. Read more: https://kpho.m0bl.net/r/juhil Sent from CBS 5 To Go

Homeowners Looking for Security for Pools Shouldn't Feel Limited by Design

July 5, 2011 | Comments Off on Homeowners Looking for Security for Pools Shouldn't Feel Limited by Design

Everyone wants to create a safe home environment, and making improvements to your home’s security might not initially bring beauty and design aesthetics to mind. As you consider securely fencing your pool, adding security doors to your home you may be thinking you have to make sacrifices in the way your home looks in order to…

Residential and Commercial Perimeter Fencing That's Durable and Beautiful

June 20, 2011 | Comments Off on Residential and Commercial Perimeter Fencing That's Durable and Beautiful

DCS Pool Barriers provides perimeter fencing to protect both commercial and residential properties. We make quality durable, beautiful pieces that coordinate and accentuate the style of any property. DCS Pool Barriers offers customized wrought iron pool fencing. We perform custom curving and coloring to meet your aesthetic and barrier needs. Our residential pool fences are…